Take a deep breath
The Lung Cancer Community Takes A Novel Step
For Early Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer facts
You think you won’t be affected? But lung cancer kills five time as many people as road accidents.
Yearly almost 2 million new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed, but there are ony a few, which can be cured. Sadly lung cancer affects more and more people among never smokers.
Early detection gives the best chance for complete cure, but it often depends on luck due the lack of symptoms.
What can I do?
Make sure you know your personal risk.
Just download the free LungScreen app for your iOS or Android. Simply answer some questions, like your age, gender, smoking habits...

You always can repeat the test by your relatives, friends, or anyone who needs your attention
Help them! You might save someone’s life.
What’s about the result?
Three kinds of results can appear. At low risk you have little chance for having the disease. Moderate and high risk suggests further examinations. Please visit your local physician!
You know where to turn for support?

According to the GPS coordinates of the test completion we show you the way to the nearest screening center. Of course you can choose another one from our database....

There are almost 900 screening centers in our database. And the number is still growing...